Sweat it Out

Sweat it Out in this Yoga Twist Detox Program and recharge your body in 5 short days. This is the perfect reset if you are feeling tired, sluggish, or just want to fine-tune your body.  Sweat and detoxify your way to a feel-better you with these twist-focused yoga classes. Yoga twists are great for glowing skin and boosting energy. Your teachers include Alyson Khan, Rudy Mettia, Jeff Beaudoin, and Andrea Marcum

Day 2

Energetic Surge

Rudy Mettia

Wanna sweat? You clicked on the right practice. With unique and fun sequencing we move non-stop for 60-minutes leaving you pranafied and satisfied.
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Style Power

Duration 60 mins

Day 4

Dynamic Flow

Rudy Mettia

Wanna sweat? You clicked on the right practice. With unique and fun sequencing we move non-stop for 60-minutes leaving you pranafied and satisfied.
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Style Power

Duration 60 mins

Day 3

Bottle Rocket

Jeff Beaudoin

Can you withstand the heat of the flames without getting burned? This all-out intensity class starts with a warning shot and ends with a bang! Fast-paced and filled with heart-pounding…
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Style Power, Vinyasa

Duration 60 mins

Day 5

Time to Detox? Abs-solutely…

Andrea Marcum

Get ready to sweat out those toxins! This detox flow is great for kick-starting digestion and metabolism as well as inspiring our spine… not to mention your core will thank…
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Style Vinyasa

Duration 60 mins