Hamstring Assessments & Progressions

This class is part of a program

Yoga Biomechanics

Yoga Biomechanics in Action

With Jules Mitchell

Style Hatha
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Duration: 10 Classes
9-Segment Hatha Yoga Program This video program expands upon the principles outlined in Jules Mitchell’s book, Yoga Biomechanics: Stretching Redefined, which applies...

Jules Mitchell

Hamstring Assessments & Progressions

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Style Hatha, Lectures
Duration 20 mins

The proximal posterior hip is a common site of aggravation in injury in yoga. Learn what it is about your practice that might contribute to high hamstring tendinopathy and how you can adjust your practice to mitigate or resolve some of the symptoms.

Focus poses Bridge / Setu Bandha SarvangasanaLow Lunge / AnjaneyasanaSun Salutations
Muscles & joints Calves, Glutes, Hamstrings