Visvamitrasana My Asana…

Andrea Marcum

Visvamitrasana My Asana…

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Style Teaching Tips, Workshop
Duration 20 mins

Visvamitrasana is not only super tough to pronounce, it’s f&%ing hard to do. For me it’s the ideal messenger for “it’s the journey not the destination.” And it’s important that journey be playful, careful and fun. You need to be warmed up before you dive into this tutorial. At a minimum do five rounds of sun salutations– any varietal will do- A’s, B’s C’s, but I insist you do them. We’re going to deconstruct some components of this pose so that your journey is informed and your destination is landing in a celebration of where you are right now. Then you can add this pose (no matter what stage of de-or-re-construction) to VisvamiAwesomeSauce a 45-minute practice that let’s you express your own unique visvamiawesomness in a longer practice.