Women’s Health Program

Welcome to the Mindful Health Yoga – Women’s Health Program!

This 12-week program has been used in prior research involving women who have experienced stillbirth and/or women who are pregnant. The yoga videos in this program are safe and appropriate for those new to yoga as well as for those who are pregnant. It is recommended that you consult with your primary care physician before making any changes to your current physical activity regimen.

A little more about your yoga program:

Week 1 and Week 2 are essential to beginners as they explain proper technique, breathing, and use of props. Please do not skip these videos. If you find that you have trouble with flexibility, or would like more assistance in some of the yoga poses, use blocks or a yoga strap (See Prop Tutorial Video in Week 1).

Beginning in Week 3 your program will include longer videos that combine all the poses you learned in Weeks 1-2. Pay special attention to the notes related to each video, as they will include helpful hints, suggestions, and instructions for the week.

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self” –The Bhagavad Gita

Video 1: Ujjayi Breath with Rudy Mettia

This video introduces Ujjayi breath, a diaphragmatic breathing technique that will help you to be mindful during your practice and help lead the physical movement.

Video 2: Prop Tutorial with Jules Mitchell

As a beginner you may find it useful to take advantage of the props. The purpose of a prop is to add extra support in a pose, or to help you go deeper into a pose (further than you would on your own). This video will discuss common props used in yoga classes, and gives you some good at-home/in-expensive options for props.

Video 3: Tadasana (Mountain Pose) with Rudy Mettia 

Tadasana means Mountain Pose. This standing pose may not seem difficult, but there are many important alignment cues to remember as this pose serves as a fundamental basis for all standing.

Video 4: Raising Your Arms Up with Vytas Baskauskas

Raising your arms up is one of the first steps to learning the basic sun salutation (demonstrated in videos 11&12). As a student practicing yoga it is vital to strive for proper alignment even in the simplest of poses.

Video 5: Childs Pose with Rudy Mettia

Childs Pose with Rudy Mettia

Childs pose is your “go to” resting pose. If at anytime during your yoga practice you feel the need to take a break this is the pose to revert to.

Video 6: Plank Pose Tutorial with Vytas Baskauskas

Plank is one pose that you will often find yourself in especially when transitioning from pose to pose. Remember that if you need to do this pose on your knees that is acceptable. Be mindful of how your body is feeling in the moment and be ok with that. As you continue to practice you will notice your ability to do each pose will change from day to day as your strength and flexibility improves.

Video 7: How to Step Through Correctly with Vytas Baskauskas

How to Step Through Correctly with Vytas Baskauskas

The step through is a move that often gets neglected in our yoga practice. This video will teach you how to properly step through from plank and keep your muscles engaged as we transition into a new pose.

Video 8: Sphynx/Cobra/Up-Dog Pose Tutorial with Rudy Mettia

Sphynx/Cobra/Up-Dog Pose Tutorial with Rudy Mettia

Vinyasa is a movement synchronized with breath. In any vinyasa flow class you will encounter one of these 3 poses. Sphinx is the most moderate, and up dog is the most intense. Choose the pose that best suits you, and remember you don’t have to do something outside of your comfort zone. Be mindful of your body and be IN your body. It is recommended to start with the easiest modification and work your way up as you gain more strength and flexibility.

Video 9: Downward Dog + Vinyasa with Travis Eliot

Downward Dog + Vinyasa with Travis Eliot

We use vinyasa to connect each asana (yoga pose) with breath as we transition between asanas. Downward dog is another transitional pose in a vinyasa that can be used as a resting pose as well. If you feel the need for a break, downward dog can be used as an “active rest” pose.

Video 10: Vinyasa Walk Through 2 with Vytas Baskauskas 

Vinyasa Walk Through 2 with Vytas Baskauskas

Many times in a yoga class the instructor may tell you to move through your vinyasa at your own pace. This video will show you the proper sequencing so that you can feel comfortable participating in vinyasa on your own. You will also find some great modifications in this video needed.

Video 11: Modified Sun Salutation with Rudy Mettia 

Modified Sun Salutation with Rudy Mettia

Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar) is a sequence of poses that together, symbolize a salute to the sun. Instructors often use it to warm-up the body prior to a longer yoga practice or as a practice in itself. This video will teach you how to modify the poses within sun salutation for ease and safety.

Video 12: Surya Namaskara with Rudy Mettia

Surya Namaskara with Rudy Mettia

There are two types of sun salutations: Surya Namaskara A and B. Although very similar, Surya Namaskara B has two additional poses (Warrior 1 & Chair pose). In this video you will learn Surya Namaskara B. You will be most successful with this sequence if you practice with regularity and commitment

Video 1: Crescent Pose Tutorial with Rudy Mettia

Crescent Pose Tutorial with Rudy Mettia

Crescent pose is also known as high lunge. It is a dynamic standing pose that incorporates balance. This is a great alternative pose to Warrior 1 if you have knee or hip pain.

Video 2: Seated Twist Tutorial with Rudy Mettia

Seated Twist Tutorial with Rudy Mettia

Twisting in poses must be approached with caution. It is important to learn the steps to engage in a proper twist so that we may feel safe in the pose. This may be a good pose to use your blocks.

Video 3: Childs Pose with Rudy Mettia

Childs Pose with Rudy Mettia

Childs pose is your “go to” resting pose. If at anytime during your yoga practice you feel the need to take a break this is the pose to revert to.

Video 4: Simple Core Class with Vytas Baskauskas

Simple Core Class with Vytas Baskauskas

This class is specifically focused on core work. The core is not just comprised of our abdominal muscles but also muscles of the back. A strong core can make it easier to do other physically active tasks.

Video 5: A Basic Practice with Vytas Baskauskas

A Basic Practice with Vytas Baskauskas

This class will introduce the basic poses learned in the previous videos. You will begin to learn how to connect and transition between poses. Be prepared to have some fun in your first official class! If you are not ready for the full length class, please feel free to only complete the first 20 minutes of the video.

Video 1: External Rotative Poses with Rudy Mettia

 External Rotative Poses with Rudy Mettia

In many yoga poses there are times when our joints will be in a position of external rotation. In poses like Warrior 1, or Triangle our hips are externally rotated. This video will show you how to properly align your body

Video 2: Triangle Pose and Twists

Triangle Pose and Twists

This standing pose requires a lot of balance. Make sure you have your blocks close by to help with stabilization.

Video 3: Yoga Foundations 1 with Travis Eliot

Yoga Foundations 1 with Travis Eliot

This class will include a break down of many of the fundamental yoga poses learned previously. This enlightening practice will help to make you feel more confident in your yoga practice as you start to combine the different elements of yoga that you have learned.

Video 1: Surya Namaskara with Rudy Mettia

Surya Namaskara with Rudy Mettia

We recommend you review this video before moving on to Yoga Foundations 2.

Video 2: Yoga Foundations 2 with Travis Eliot

Yoga Foundations 2 with Travis Eliot

This class will build upon the fundamentals learned in Yoga Foundations 1. This is a full-length class so please remember that if you need to take a break, take it! Don’t forget to have your blocks close by.

Video 1: Sphynx/Cobra/Up-Dog Pose Tutorial with Rudy Mettia

Sphynx/Cobra/Up-Dog Pose Tutorial with Rudy Mettia

We recommend you review this video before participating in Slow Meditative Flow on Day two. This class is intended to serve as a reminder to be mindful of your body and its needs.

Video 2: Slow Meditative Flow with Elle Potter

Slow Meditative Flow with Elle Potter

This class will teach you to still your mind and turn inward. This is a 52 minute class so please remember that if you need to take a break, take it! Don’t forget to have your blocks or other yoga props close by. Listen to your body.

Video 1: Simple Core Class with Vytas Baskauskas

Simple Core Class with Vytas Baskauskas

Developing a strong core is an important component of yoga. You may have noticed that the core muscles are activated in just about every yoga pose you have done. While you are participating in this video see if you can notice an increase in strength of your own core muscles. Are some poses easier now than when you first did this video?

Video 2: Open Up with Calvin Corzine

Open Up with Calvin Corzine

This class is designed to open up parts of the body that tend to be resistant to release, like our hips and shoulders.

Video 1: Standing Poses with Jules Mitchell

Standing Poses with Jules Mitchell

The Standing Poses class will utilize many different props that you will find useful to have throughout practice. This class will help you get familiar with the use of props during your practice. Props can help make yoga poses easier by providing stabilization, or help you get a little deeper into a pose.

Video 1: Gentle Power Flow 1 with Michael Stebbins

Gentle Power Flow 1 with Michael Stebbins

Get ready for some heart openers in this class. This class will help to release tension and ease stress. By now you may be starting to feel comfortable in your yoga practice. Think about how yoga is different to you now than from when you first started? Can you start to see changes in your mind, body, and spirit?

Video 2: Simple Core Class with Vytas Baskauskas

Simple Core Class with Vytas Baskauskas

Does this class look familiar to you? Try to take a new perspective throughout class this time. Can you find space and calmness in the intensity of the poses? Can you hold each pose a few seconds longer? How can you use your breath to support you?

Video 1: Replenish with Grace with Alyssa Ablan

Replenish with Grace with Alyssa Ablan

This class will promote deep muscle tissue stretching that will allow release of tension. Be prepared for some twists and binds, but don’t forget to be mindful of your body’s needs. Don’t take your body further than it is willing to go.

Video 1: Shoulder Openers with Vytas Baskauskas

Shoulder Openers with Vytas Baskauskas

Stress and tension tend to get trapped in our shoulder girdle and around the neck, this is especially true for women. This class will take you through various standing and seated poses that will ease much of the stress and tension that has been built up over time. Make sure you have a strap, or towel nearby.

Video 2: Love Thyself with Anna Orbison

Love Thyself with Anna Orbison

Sometimes you need to give yourself a hug. After you are finished with this class you will find yourself sighing ‘ahhh’ in relief. Really pay attention to your body’s needs throughout class. Utilize as many props as you need to, and remember to move slowly with intention.

Video 1: Yoga Foundations 3 with Travis Eliot

Yoga Foundations 3 with Travis Eliot

This class will explore the boundaries of your beginner practice by testing your limits. Please remember that you can make any modification that you feel comfortable with at any time. Yoga is not about having the best pose, but being the best you.

Video 1: Gentle Power Flow with Michael Stebbins

Gentle Power Flow 1 with Michael Stebbins

You made it! This is the last class. Its time to congratulate yourself on working through this progression and making it to this point. Have fun with this class, as it will promote grounding and stress/tension relief. Take note of how your body, mind, and spirit has changed over the course of the last 12 weeks. With each asana and vinyasa remember all of the fundamental principles that you have learned and enjoy putting it all together!