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    Vytas Yoga for Beginners

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    Vytas Yoga for Beginners. Learn the fundamentals of Hatha yoga with internationally renowned instructor, Vytas Baskauskas. A 9-week fully guided online beginner yoga program specifically designed to build strength and confidence in your practice. This collection of online Hatha yoga classes consists of six 60-minute classes, a beginner level class and an intermediate level class for each of these 3 important themes; Stretch, Strengthen and Align. Start with the beginner classes and then advance to the intermediate versions when you are ready. Watch the Teaching Tips videos designed for each class before you embark on each practice to learn proper technique and alignment which will keep your body safe. Begin the foundation of your yoga practice!


    • 3 x Level 1 Hatha Classes (60 mins.)
    • 3 x Level 2 Hatha Classes (60 mins.)
    • 6 x Teaching Tips Videos (5-15 mins.)
    • PLUS: 9-week Calendar
    • PLUS: 15-page downloadable Program Guide


    • Calm the Mind
    • Improve Balance
    • Increase Flexibility
    • Strengthen & Tone Muscles