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    Heart Throb

    This class is designed to help you break energetic patterns associated with guarding the physical home of your soul: the heart space. The body holds secrets of the unconscious mind, of things repressed, denied, and not easily dealt with. Emotional frustration and disappointment can leave us feeling separated, which perpetuates habitual patterns of negative thinking, defensive posturing and stress breathing. Matters of the heart are matters of deep connection. Mental and emotional reactivity – whether gradual and subtle or suddenly traumatic – can lead to protective energy accumulating as tension in the neck, shoulders, upper back and rib cage. Over time, this energy can become stuck, gradually leading to defensive stance patterns such as your shoulders rolling forward, your upper neck lifting, and your head protruding forward. Let ‘Heart Throb’ lift your heart. Enjoy a plethora of shoulder openers and nearly every safe back bend in the book, set to the pace of an evening stroll in the park. Smile and let grace pour into your soul!