Debbi Murphy United States of America
UDAYA Yoga & Fitness

A child of the idealistic sixties, Debbi Murphy, PhD, E-RYT500, grew up with a passion to make the world a better place by helping people find peace, happiness, and self-worth. Convinced the answer resided in the mind-body connection, she studied philosophy, psychology and exercise science at the University of Missouri. After receiving her doctorate, she spent a few decades teaching and serving as the University Hospital’s “Wellness Expert”. She moved West in the mid-nineties and was able to study with numerous yoga masters and truly weave her academic background with the art and science of yoga. She created Shanti Yoga School in 2001 as a way to bring more yoga to Idaho; not only through classes, teacher training, and workshops but by hosting nationally recognized teachers. Currently, she teaches workshops and seminars throughout Idaho and internationally. Though topics range from Biomechanics to Neuroscience, they all blend a deep respect for science and a strong belief that yoga is indeed the solution to helping people find peace, happiness, and self-worth.