Spring Groove United States of America
UDAYA Yoga & Fitness

Spring Groove is a former Broadway Performer (Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Spring Alive), an International Touring Artist with 12 original CDs, the creator of SING YOURSELF ALIVE – A Bhakti empowerment masterclass, and the proud founder of Y.U.M.M.Y. Time™(Your Ultimate Music Meditation Yoga Time).
Spring Groove holds a B.F.A. from The Boston Conservatory and received her Yoga Teacher Training Certification from The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center. Her journey from Broadway to Busking (street performing throughout Europe) and Busking to Bhakti Yoga (Devotional Yoga – Chanting & Kirtan) makes her a dynamic instructor be it one-on-one or with a group of 100.
Explore her program: Y.U.M.M.Y. Time™