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    Twists and Turns

    Life brings twists and turns – new Stuckats and more possibility. Our practice gives us tools to STOP, stand in our mountain and find the resiliency to START something with Awareness, Benevolence, and Calm. Emotional weather will come and go and outside frustrations and distractions will circle. But when we see What’s In The Way Is The Way, these ups and downs are a reminder that often when we think we’ve been buried, we’ve actually been planted.

    Our asana sequence uses twisting postures as a vehicle to establish buoyancy amidst inevitable turns. And our hOMework guides us to set clear, purposeful intentions. Adding Tonglen to our Metta meditation reminds us to grow self-compassion into empathy for one another. As we START to feel ourselves planted the next step is to grow our garden. There are many ways we can contribute to each other’s lives and see each other through the weeds.