4 million Americans complain of frequent constipation but there is really no need to suffer. The positive effects of yoga are endless and once again yoga is here to...

The Common Sense Food Program by The Ultimate Yogi
With such a litany of diet books today it’s hard to know what to eat and what not to. Just like the practice of yoga, the practice of eating...

Start with these: UDAYA Сlasses for beginners
By: Olya Amburg So you decided to jump on the yoga bandwagon? Congrats on becoming a beginner yogi! Now is an exciting time to choose your first class and...

The Beauty of Letting Go and Guide to Loving Fall
By Olya Amburg Fall shows us how beautiful it is to slow down and let go. Here you might think “oh, again another detox”, but the autumnal process of...

The Importance of Home Practice
By Simi Melwani My Yoga Journey I grew up in a city of paradoxes; where the rich fill the apartment buildings lining the coast while the poor hustle for...

Yoga to Rekindle Creativity. Part II: Activate and Channel
By Olya Amburg Imagine that in your headspace there is a special room for creativity. If we want creative energy to function properly, this room should be tidy and...