
  • So you are starting to get some discernment between discomfort and pain and you are willing to work your butt off in your practice. You are willing to deal...
    It has been a while since I wrote a blog on the body. I guess mostly because there are so many blogs out there about biomechanics, 5 poses for...
    I have a friend who on April 27, 2007 was brought back to life after being dead (for long enough to make it real) from an electrocution accident while...
    My girlfriend and I moved to Boulder, CO in December of 2016. I started attending Yoga classes at local studios and have noticed that the ‘level’ of Yoga practice...
    The closing ceremony of the 1st annual Udaya Live had just finished. The mood in the air was astounding. Everyone at the festival glowed with delight and joy while...
    So you started a Yoga practice in January and now it is March or April and you are finding that your schedule is somehow not allowing time for your...