Stand on Those Hands!

Vytas Baskauskas

Stand on Those Hands!

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Style Power
Duration 60 mins

There are many different ways to invert the body in yoga. One of the most basic inversions is handstand. If you are newer to the practice then you should be doing this entire class with a wall nearby. If you have practiced handstand before and are ready to work on a freestanding handstand then this is definitely the class for you. The benefits of this posture are evident in its wide use across many disciplines. Most students will have a strong aversion to going upside down, especially in the middle of the room. Once you can get over the fear of falling, then you can work diligently and practice this pose regularly. A lot of the preparation work that this class focuses on is strength in the core. Being strong in our center is imperative for inverting. It takes a lot of focus and mind-body integration to balance on our hands alone so be ready for a challenge.

Focus poses Handstand / Adho Mukha Vrksasana
Muscles & joints Core, Hands, Shoulders, Wrists