Short and Sweet 2

This class is part of a program

Vytas Yoga for Advanced

Deepen Your Practice

With Vytas Baskauskas

Style Vinyasa
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Duration: 12 Classes
Vytas Yoga for Advanced Practitioners. An advanced Vinyasa yoga series that will take you to the next level. Critically acclaimed yoga instructor, Vytas Baskauskas...

Vytas Baskauskas

Short and Sweet 2

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Style Hatha
Duration 25 mins

If you only have 20 minutes but still want to workout the kinks in your body and restore healthy blood flow, the intermediate short a sweet practice does just that. Through core work, deep stretching, standing balancing poses, and twists, this practice will help you get a well rounded workout in a mere 20 minutes.

Focus poses Royal Sunbird / ChakravakasanaSide Plank / VasisthasanaTwisting Chair / Parivrtta Utkatasana
Muscles & joints Full Body