Strong Balance Flow

This class is part of a program

Vytas Yoga for Advanced

Deepen Your Practice

With Vytas Baskauskas

Style Vinyasa
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Duration: 12 Classes
Vytas Yoga for Advanced Practitioners. An advanced Vinyasa yoga series that will take you to the next level. Critically acclaimed yoga instructor, Vytas Baskauskas...

Vytas Baskauskas

Strong Balance Flow

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Style Hatha
Duration 70 mins

The Strong Balance Flow class is arguably the most physically strenuous class of the entire series. For that reason, this practice is meant to be worked up to, so don’t feel bad if you feel the need to take extra breaks when first attempting this class. Multiple binding variations and arm balances are also shown as goals to work towards. Each time you undertake this class you’ll be seeking new ways to go deeper and harness your breath for increased power and stamina. Sometimes it is important to physically test ourselves on new levels, just make sure not to push too hard.

Focus poses Bound Angle / Baddha KonasanaEagle / GarudasanaSide Plank / Vasisthasana
Muscles & joints Full Body