Twists Class

This class is part of a program

Vytas Yoga for Advanced

Deepen Your Practice

With Vytas Baskauskas

Style Vinyasa
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Duration: 12 Classes
Vytas Yoga for Advanced Practitioners. An advanced Vinyasa yoga series that will take you to the next level. Critically acclaimed yoga instructor, Vytas Baskauskas...

Vytas Baskauskas

Twists Class

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Style Hatha
Duration 70 mins

Twisting Poses will help restore your spine’s natural range of motion, cleanse your organs, and stimulate circulation. A detoxification process takes place within your body when oxygenated blood is forced into deep muscle tissue and joints, so the first step in this class is to get the blood moving with some basic movements. When you begin to go deeper into the twisting portion of the class remember that every posture is to be done with an elongated spine. You can create this length in your spine by sitting or standing up as straight as possible before beginning each twisting motion.

Prepare for this class by watching Twists Class – Teaching Tips.

Focus poses Twisted Lunge / Parivrtta AnjaneyasanaTwisting Half Moon / Parivrtta Ardha ChandrasanaTwisting Triangle / Parivrtta Trikonasana
Muscles & joints Back (Lower), Obliques