Yin Yoga

This class is part of a program

The Ultimate Yogi

With Travis Eliot

Style Power
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Duration: 108 Days / 20 Classes
The Ultimate Yogi is the most comprehensive yoga program on the market. Renowned yoga instructor, Travis Eliot will take you to...

Travis Eliot

Yin Yoga

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Style Yin
Duration 65 mins

This class is literally the fountain of youth. As we age, our bodies become less supple. Yin Yoga directly counteracts this. By holding stretches for long periods of time you release hyaluronic acid into your system which is responsible for retaining youthfulness and flexibility. This class will take you to an entirely new level of your practice.

Focus poses Fire Log / AgnistambhasanaLizard / Utthan PristhasanaWide Seated Forward Bend / Upavistha Konasana
Muscles & joints Full Body