Bhakti Yin Basics

This class is part of a program

Bhakti Yin Yoga

Bhakti Yin Yoga

With Sita Devi

Style Bhakti
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Duration: 6 Classes

Sita Devi

Bhakti Yin Basics

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Style Bhakti
Duration 60 mins

Bhakti Yin Basics is an introduction to Bhakti and Yin Yoga. The practice begins with a heart-opening meditation and intention setting space. It then moves into some elementary chanting and gently moves into the body. We explore some basic yin style postures and finish with a long savasana or final relaxation. We close the practice coming back into the heart, remembering (smarana) our intentions. 

Musicians: Shamans Dream
Focus poses LungesPigeon / Eka Pada RajakapotasanaStanding Split / Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
Muscles & joints Full Body